Hi, I’m Hirsh.

It was in high school that I realized the life I was living, the decisions I was making and the path these things were leading me towards were a dark and dreary place. Opposite to what I dreamed life should be like.

This realization led to beginning of the journey of becoming the greatest version of myself.

The younger version of me always complained that I never had a positive role model in my life. I had no one to look up to, learn from, and exemplify. This negative mindset caused me to blame others for all the problems I had in my life.

This negative mindset didn’t make a complete shift until I was introduced to Stoicism. This philosophy helped me to understand the importance of living life with virtue and discerning what is and is not under my control.

Thanks to Stoicism, I unlocked something within me I had never dreamed of.

That was only the beginning. As I began to read more and apply these teaching to my life, I realized I knew absolutely nothing. I was introduced to many philosophies during this journey such as Buddhism. All of these new teachings began to have a profound impact on my life and continue to do so as I continue learning.

PS: Thanks to a shift in my thinking, I realized I actually had mentors all around me. I could’ve talked to and engage with them anytime I wanted. They were in the form of books. If I didn’t want a mentor through the form of a book, I understood that I can ask anyone and more than likely they would be willing to help.

What Does This Website Hope To Achieve?

1. To plant or expand on seeds. Everyone has an innate desire to become better. This path is usually never clear and it’s filled with immense obstacles. I hope to help put ideas in your mind on how to fulfill this desire.

2. Unlock potential. Once a seed is planted in your mind and you begin to apply yourself, I hope that it leads to unlocking your true capabilities.

3. Help you live your happiest life. I want people to realize it doesn’t take much to get to the point in your life in which you are content. It takes very small changes which compound over time which lead to greatness.

PS: In each of those things listed, I plan to use what I write about, what I’ve learned, and the insights that I’ve gained to continue becoming better. The journey never ends.


The Dynamic Being will focus on a diverse range of subjects. Some of them are …

  • The importance of habits and how to achieve them
  • The importance of goal settings and how to create them
  • Various philosophies (ex. Stoicism)
  • How to turn everything that seems negative into something beautiful, amazing, and beneficial for us
  • The importance of failure and how to analyze them to prepare for the future
  • How and why to use time wisely
  • Specific habits that will change your life (a.k.a Keystone Habits)
  • How theory and knowledge doesn’t mean much without application
  • Book reviews

Thank You For Joining Me On This Journey

If you feel you have something to add or say, please reach out to me.